onsdag 24. mars 2021

LA/BU-026 Ringkollen

A winter activation to Ringkollen is always fun. Nice terrain for skiing, beautiful scenery at the summit, beautiful weather, temperature abt 2C and valid for SOTA. I activated it once more on March 23 2021.

I started on 20 meter, the activity didn’t seem to be very high, but 7 QSOs came in the log (5 SSB and 2 CW). Thus, I QSYed to 40 meter and was able to work 13 more stations (10 SSB and 3 CW). I got two S2S, both from HB9. It was especially fun to work HB15SOTA as one of the S2S.

The stations came from 10 DXCCs:

DXCC: DL, EA, F, G, GM, HB9, OM, PA, SV, YO.

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