fredag 14. oktober 2022

LB/OL-001 Storhaugen

Another short acitvation of Storhaugen. A really nice late-fall weather, and OK HF conditions. The result was 7 QSOs and 4 DXCCs.



lørdag 30. juli 2022

LB/OL-001 Storhaugen

A short activation of the GMA summit LB/OL-001 Storhaugen due to a family hike. OK conditions, and 5 QSOs from 4 DXCCs logged.



lørdag 16. juli 2022

LA/RL-046 Urdalsnipa

This activation was my first activation of LA/RL-046 Urdalsnipa. I parked at 58.6161 N, 5.9213 E. From the parking I simply followed a road to the summit. For this activation I used a HB-1B and GP for 20 meter. I got 21 QSOs from 10 DXCCs.

DXCC: DL, EA, G, HA, HB9, I, OE, OH, S5, SP.


lørdag 9. juli 2022

LA/OL-184 Kvitberget

The second summit on the second day was LA/OL-184 Kvitberget. When switching on the radio, I discovered that the power had been 2.5 W for the three previous activations. Thus, I increased it to 5 W. The conditions were still very good, and I had 36 QSOs from 13 DXCCs, And four of them were S2S.

 DXCC: DL, EA, F, G, GI, GW, HA, HB9, OE, ON, PA, S5, YU.