søndag 4. juni 2023

LAFF-0544 / LA-2280 Trolldalen

A second activation today in order to achieve the 44 QSOs needed for WWFF. According to QRZ.com, the conditions were supposed to be good on 17-10 meter, and poor on 30-20 meter. Therefore, I brought with me my MP-1 antenna and my FT-817 ND. I called a lot on 10 and 15 meter, which only produced 3 QSOs on 10, and 2 on 15. Then I QSYed to the "poor" 20 meter, which resulted in 12 QSOs in a few minutes. In total: 17 QSOs from 10 DXCCs.

DXCC: DL, F, HB9, I, OH, OM, SP. UA, UR, W.