søndag 31. mai 2015

LAFF-061 Delingsdalen

LAFF-061 Delingsdalen nature reserve was activated on May 29. I parked at Ingierstrand, and had to walk slightly less than a kilometer. 

The equipment used was a FT-817ND and a linked dipole antenna. I started the activation on 20 meter SSB, then continued on 20 meter CW, and finally on 40 meter SSB and CW. Totally 61 QSOs were made.

DXCCs: DL, EA, ES, F, G, HA, I, LA, LY, OH, OM, ON, SM, SP, UA, UA9, UR, YO, 9A.

lørdag 16. mai 2015

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

After the activation of Hvalebykampen, I had time to visit LA/OL-043 once more. Due to the broken paddle connection cable, this activation also had to be a SSB-only activation.

I erected the linked dipole and started to call. In about 20 minutes 17 chasers were in the log (one S2S), no more chasers replied to my calls, and I went QRT.

DXCCs: DL, EA, G, HB9, OM, PA, SP.

LA/OL-038 Hvalebykampen

It’s almost five years since I activated Hvalebykampen for the first time. Yesterday was my second visit. I parked at N 60 22.59, E 10 37.63. It is a little less than 2 km to the summit.

 The last time it was hardly any view from the summit due to all the trees. Now, many of them had been cut down, and it was a beautiful shack.

I erected my linked dipole and started to activate on 20 meter SSB. It was in periods quite deep QSB, and “strange” conditions. I cannot e.g. remember to have received 5-9 from nr Copenhagen on 20 meter before. In 25 minutes I had got 17 QSOs, and there were no more chasers. I thus decided to QSY to the CW part. Unfortunately, that had to be cancelled. The connection cable to the paddles had broken; I was only able to send dashes…

DXCCs: DL, G, HB9, I, OZ, PA, S5, UA, UT.