tirsdag 29. juli 2014

LA/RL-063 Vedafjellet

Vedafjellet was my second activation on July 29. At the summit, the wind was very strong, and it didn't seem to be easy to erected my fiberglass pole and dipole. Thus, I decided to use the MP-1 instead.

The conditions were quite poor. 30 minutes with calling on 20 meter CW, had only resulted in 10 QSOs. Therefore, I didn't try to make any SSB QSOs. Instead, I QSYed to 30 meter, and was able to work 2 more QSOs. I then went QRT.


LA/RL-011 Bjørndalsfjellet

The summit was activated on July 29. I parked at Gramstad, N 58 53.020 E 005 27.930, which is close to Stavanger Turistforenings cabin. From the parking lot, it is just to follow the road 2-300 meters further up, an then there are ref painted markers all the way to the summit. It is very easy to find (at least in 2014).

At the summit, I erected my linked dipole (Band Hopper III). All QSOs were made on 20 meter. In about 40 minutes there were no more chasers, 21 QSOs had been made, and I went QRT.

DXCCs: DL, EA, G, HA, HB9, OE, OM, SM, UA, UR.