lørdag 1. oktober 2011

Toåsen, LA/AH-014

Toåsen, LA/AH-014 was activated on Ocotber 1 2011. I parked at Alværn shool, which is located around 1 kilometer away and 75 meters below the summit.

The antenna was a 13 meter inverted L. All QSOs were on 30 meter CW. I also had my first S2S (summit to summit). LA1ENA/Åge located at LA/TM-109 Heddersfjell called me. Really fun!

In 45 minutes, I had 19 QSOs from 10 DXCCs.

DXCC: DL, F, G, HA, HB9, LA, OE, OK, PA, RA3.

mandag 25. juli 2011

Øykjafjellet, LA/RL-012

In the evening on July 25 Øykjafjellet (LA/RL-012) was activated. I parked at Noredalen bygdahus (N 58 50.983, E 005 53.447) and just followed the red sticks/marks. It is a relatively hard walk, the trail is somewhere quite steep, but one is rewarded with a tremendous view at the summit!

This time, it seemed that all chasers were on summer vacation, only eight QSOs were achieved. I decided to start on 40 meter SSB, and managed to work four stations. Then I QSYed to 30 meter, and four more stations were worked. Then there were no answers to my many CQs neither on HF, 2m nor 70cm, and when it in addition started to drizzle, I found it was time to go back to the car (but first I had to find and log the geocache GC260Y3).

Five DXCCs were worked: EA, EI, G, HA, I.

lørdag 16. juli 2011

Prestkampen, LA/OL-085

Prestkampen (LA/OL-85)was activated on July 16. It is the highest summit along Peer Gynt vegen (between Skei and Golå). I activated it together with my family, so only a short activation was possible. The weather was excellent; sunny, relatively calm, and 22C. Not bad 1244 meters above sea-level!!

We parked at Gamledalen (tollroad; fee: 40 NOK), around 350 meter below and 2.5 km away from the summit. The view from the summit is magnificent (some photos are uploaded at flickr).

All QSOs were on 30 meter. After around 30 minutes I went QRTon HF. As usual I did also make some calls on 2m and 70cm but no one answered. Finally, I tried to make some calls via repeaters, but with no luck. I was, by the way, surprised that I was able to open LA8KR at Kongsberg.

Before we started to go back to the car, we also remembered to log the geocache GCGV6K.

Six DXCCs were worked: DL, G, HB9, I, OH, OK.

mandag 20. juni 2011

Buhammaren, LA/OL-043

I had an appointment in Gran in the afternoon on June 20. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to eave job just after lunch. Thus, it would also be time to activate a summit. Buhammaren (LA/OL-043) is easily reached, and was thus chosen.

15 QSOs were worked. DXCCs: DL, F, G, HA, OK, ON, S5.

PS. The photo is taken at Vesle Buhammaren which is around 200 meters south of the summit.

lørdag 4. juni 2011

Feforkampen, LA/OL-181

Feforkampen (LA/OL-181) was again activated on June 6 in a really beautiful weather (although a bit windy). My two (impatient) “second operators” were together with me. Thus, the time available at the summit was limited (hi). The pole was fastened to the cairn, and my 20 meter longwire was put up as usual as an inverted L.

All QSOs were worked on 30 meter. After around 40 minutes 19 stations were worked, there were no more stations in the pile-up, and we have started the descension (since there were no rooms for any prolongation on SSB because I already had worked almost five times the required number of stations!).

Five DXCCs were worked: DL, G, HB9, LY, OK.

søndag 1. mai 2011

Fjellsjøkampen, LA/AH-002

Today, XYL and I drove north to Hurdal in order to activate LA/AH-002. We parked as recommended at Gjødingssæter (toll road, fee: NOK 30,-). We experienced all kind of weather during the activation; rain, cloudy, snow (!), and (fortunately mostly) sunshine. I erected my longwire antenna at the summit, and started the activation on 40 meter. There were some QRM and relativey crowded on the band, so after 4 QSOs I QSYed to 30 meter, where the conditions were much better. Nine more stations were worked. Before, going QRT, I also made some calls on 80 meter SSB, 2 meter FM, and 70 cm FM. However, no QSOs were achieved.


(The picture is taken from the top of the tower at the summit. Mistberget, LA/AH-006 can ve seen in the background.)

torsdag 17. mars 2011

Tryvannshøgda, LA/OS-003

Tryvannshøgda, LA/OS-003 was activated once again this morning. It has been many months since my last activation, so it was fun to be QRV, even though the weather was cold, windy, and foggy. The conditions on 40 meter were good, and 20 CW QSOs were logged in a relatively short time. Due to the cold weather, I decided to QRT when all stations in the pile-up were worked.

DXCCs: DL, F, G, HA, HB9, I, LY, OE, ON, S5.