fredag 12. mai 2017

LA/HM-130 Eksberget

On my way to Ålesund, I had time to stop and activate Eksberget. It is located on the island Helgøy which is in lake Mjøsa (and in fact it’s Norway’s largest “lake island”). Helgøya is a really beautiful place, but unfortunately it is absolutely nothing but forest to see at the summit.

It is rather easy to find the summit. I parked near the farm Fjell at N 60 44.232 E 010 57.797. From this position, it is an easy to find, and easy to follow trail (but no marks) to the summit.

For this activation, I used the HB-1B and a linked dipole. Since I was on my way to Ålesund (around 600 km from my home QTH), it had to be a relatively short activation. Nevertheless, I worked 21 QSOs from 10 DXCCs in 30 minutes (all CW). Among them were 2 S2S.

DXCCs: CT, DL, EA, F, HB9, ON, PA, SV, UR, W.

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