mandag 14. september 2015

LAFF-062 Pollevann

Today, I really learned the importance of being spotted at the cluster. First I started to call at 14.246 MHz. After 20 minutes, no QSOs were in the log. Then, I QSYed to the CW-part, and 10 minutes later one QSO was logged.  Then after 10 more minutes and no QSOs, I QSYed back to the SSB-part. In 20 minutes or so, I got 4 QSOs. Once again, back to CW, and this time several spotted me, and the QSO rate increased dramatically. So what started to be really disappointing, ended in much fun :).

Rig and antenna: FT-817ND and linked dipole. (Probably I should try QRO next time...).

Thanks to all chasers!

DXCCs: EA, HA, I, OE, OM, S5, UA, UR, YL, YO, 9A.

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