mandag 21. mars 2016

LA/OS-003 Tryvannshøgda

LA/OS-003 was visited again today, while it is still possible to obtain winter bonus. It was supposed to be a short activation before work. It didn't exactly turn out that way.

I decided to start to work on 30 meter. One QSO came quickly in the log. Then nothing happened for a long while. I QSYed to 40 meter. 25 minutes after the first QSO, the second QSO was logged. No more chasers were on 40, so I QSYed to 20 meter. QSO no three was logged 9 minutes after the second. And then, no chasers replied. I did try many calls on SSB, but it did not result in any QSO, so I went back to CW, and the fourth QSO was in the log 30 minutes after the third. Thus, it was 63 minutes between the first and the fourth QSO!! I did some more calls on 20 meter, but no chasers showed up. Before I went QRT, I decided to make some final calls on 30 meter, and this time the chasers were at the frequency. 16 QSOs were made in relatively few minutes.


torsdag 17. mars 2016

LA/OL-043 Buhammaren

LA/OL-043 was activated earlier today – for the first time using snowshoes. Beautiful weather and temperature around 8C made this to a pleasant stay at the summit. 

I had planned to operate on both SSB and CW, and I started on SSB (after a self-spotting). Many minutes later and no QSOs, I checked the Solar-Terrestrial data on, and it revealed that the conditions seemed to be poor and far from QRP friendly. I thus QSYed to the CW part. Conditions on 20 meter was indeed poor – around 30 minutes of calling did only result in 8 QSOs. However, 30 meter was in a much better shape (even though didn’t indicate this…). 23 QSOs were in the log in relatively short time.

DXCCs: DL, EA, F, G, GI, HA, HB9, OE, OK, OM, ON, PA, SP, UA, UR, YO.

lørdag 12. mars 2016

LA/BU-026 Ringkollen

LA/BU-026 Ringkollen was activated today, only a few months since the last time. Good weather, no wind, and temperature around 0C, and excellent skiing-conditions, made this to a pleasant activation.

Rig and antenna was YouKits HB-1B and linked dipole.

Total 19 QSOs were made on 20  and 30 meter.

DXCCs: DL, EA, G, HB9, OE, OK, ON, PA, SP, UA.