mandag 21. mars 2016

LA/OS-003 Tryvannshøgda

LA/OS-003 was visited again today, while it is still possible to obtain winter bonus. It was supposed to be a short activation before work. It didn't exactly turn out that way.

I decided to start to work on 30 meter. One QSO came quickly in the log. Then nothing happened for a long while. I QSYed to 40 meter. 25 minutes after the first QSO, the second QSO was logged. No more chasers were on 40, so I QSYed to 20 meter. QSO no three was logged 9 minutes after the second. And then, no chasers replied. I did try many calls on SSB, but it did not result in any QSO, so I went back to CW, and the fourth QSO was in the log 30 minutes after the third. Thus, it was 63 minutes between the first and the fourth QSO!! I did some more calls on 20 meter, but no chasers showed up. Before I went QRT, I decided to make some final calls on 30 meter, and this time the chasers were at the frequency. 16 QSOs were made in relatively few minutes.


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