tirsdag 8. september 2015

LA/BU-026 Ringkollen

On my return from LA/BU-086, I would pass quite close to LA/BU-026, and I thus decided to activate it once again.

It is a short hike from the parking lot, around 1 km walk and 100 meter to climb.

The conditions were much poorer than they were on LA/BU-086. After many calls I had in 15 minutes achieved 5 QSOs (3 EA2, 1 EA6 (and S2S), 1 YO) on 20 meter, and the band was more or less dead. I QSYed to 30 meter, and worked 12 more chasers before I decided to go QRT.

DXCCS: DL, EA, EA6, F, OE, OM, S5, SP, UA, UR, YO.

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