onsdag 8. april 2015

LB/OS-001 Grønliåsen

Yesterday it was time for the monthly two-meter activity contest. I decided to be active for about an hour from LB/OS-001 Grønliåsen, which is about a two kilometers walk from my home QTH. The antenna was a SB270 3 el yagi from SotaBeams. It is claimed to have a gain of approximately 6dBd. The rig was a FT-817ND. In addition I also used a 50W linear amplifier.

In an hour I had worked 11 stations, mostly locals. Not that impressive, but it nevertheless fun. Best QRB was only 203km (I also heard stations in SM7, OZ, and SP, but sadly they did not hear me…). At 18:20z I had to go QRT in order to be out of the forest before dark.

DXCCs: LA and SM.

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