lørdag 26. april 2014

LA/OF-002 Tremannsrøset

Tremannsrøset (probably better known as Buråsen) is new summit in Østfold, and I had the opportunity to activate it on April 16. I parked at N 59 21.65, E 011 08.70. As far as I have found out, there are no trails to the summit. Based on some information I found on the net, I chose to walk a forest road to Pommen. From there, it is around a 650 meter long walk to the north. The summit is easily found.

The equipment used was my FT-871 and the MP-1 antenna. As usual, I started on 20 meter, and 14 QSOs were obtained. I then made some calls on 12 meter (both on CW and SSB), but no stations were worked (despite the band was open). Finally I made a call on 30 meter and worked 3 more stations. As usual, no QSOs were obtained neither on 2 meter nor 70 cm (only some invalid repeater QSOs).

DXCCs: DL, EU, F, G, HA, HB9, OE, OM, ON.

PS. If you have time, there are a few geocaches in the area.

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