onsdag 19. mars 2014

LA/OS-003 Tryvannshøgda

LA/OS-003 Tryvannhøgda was once again activated on Friday 14. The weather was fine, temperatur +4C, and calm. Close to the coast the spring has come weeks ago, but here it was still around 70 cm with snow.
I mounted my MP-1 antenna, and connected it to the FT-817. I started the activcation on 20 meter CW. One call, and the pile-up was established :). Later on I worked SSB. In around 70 minutes 43 QSOs were made, among them one S2S. As usual, I also made calls on 2 meter as well as 70 cm, and as usual, no QSOs were obtained.
DXCCs: DL, EA, EU, F, G, GM, HB9, OE, OM, ON, PA, SP, W.

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