mandag 18. desember 2023

LA/OS-003 Tryvannshøgda

A quick activation when it's still 2023. This summit must be LAs most easy winter-bonus summit. It was sunny, calm, 3C, and good conditions. At the end, I had 23 QSOs (5 CW, 18 SSB) from 9 DXCCs, among them 2 S2S.

 DXCC: DL, EA, F, G, GI, GM, HB9, ON, SP.

lørdag 14. oktober 2023

LAFF-0063 / LA-1330 Midtsjøvann

It's the third time a activate this nature reserve. It's only around 15 minutes drive from my home QTH, there are picnic tables at the site, and thus a convenient area to activate. It was partly cloudy, calm, 10C, and good radio conditions. Even though it is late fall, two persons had a skinny dipping when I arrived.

I managed 55 QSOs (16 CW, 39 SSB) from 20 DXCCs, all on 20 meter.

 DXCC: DL, EA, El, F, G, HA, HB9, I, LY, OE, OH, OK, OM, ON, OZ, S5, SP, UA, YL, YO.

fredag 8. september 2023

LA/OL-067 Blåhøe

A quick activation of this drive-in summit. Party cloudy, a rather cold breeze, and temperature 10C. The radio conditions were fine. I logged 31 QSOs (18 CW, 13 SSB) from 13 DXCCs, among them were 4 S2S. So all in all, I had a great time at the summit.

The equipment used was FT-817ND and a linked dipole. All QSOs were made on 20 meter.

DXCCs: DL, EA, EA6, El, F, G, HB9, OE, OK, SP, UR, W, YU.

fredag 14. juli 2023

LA/OL-184 Kvitberget

Kvitberget is always a nice summit to visit. The scenery is very beautiful. Today, the weather was excellent, sunny and 17C. In addition, the conditions were excellent too, and many chasers were QRV. This resulted in 45 (16 CW and 29 SSB) QSOs from 17 DXCCs.

 The equipment used was FT-817ND and a linked dipole. All QSOs were made on 20 meter.

 DXCC: DL, EA, El, F, G, GI, GM, HA, HB9, I, OE, OK, ON, S5, SP, UA, YO.

søndag 4. juni 2023

LAFF-0544 / LA-2280 Trolldalen

A second activation today in order to achieve the 44 QSOs needed for WWFF. According to, the conditions were supposed to be good on 17-10 meter, and poor on 30-20 meter. Therefore, I brought with me my MP-1 antenna and my FT-817 ND. I called a lot on 10 and 15 meter, which only produced 3 QSOs on 10, and 2 on 15. Then I QSYed to the "poor" 20 meter, which resulted in 12 QSOs in a few minutes. In total: 17 QSOs from 10 DXCCs.

DXCC: DL, F, HB9, I, OH, OM, SP. UA, UR, W.

fredag 12. mai 2023

LAFF-0544 / LA-2280 Trolldalen

Many months has passed since the last activation, but today I activated Trolldalen, WWFF/POTA: LAFF-0544 / LA-2280 for the first time. A nice and warm spring weather made this activation to a really pleasant one. I decided to test how well my (tr)uSDX behaved in the field. And actually it worked great. It was a really low-budget activation. The rig itself is inexpensive, a dipole antenna is easy to made, and in addition I used a cheap Chinese paddle and a cheap Chinese battery. I was active on 40, 30, and 20 meter. The conditions were overall fine, especially on 30 and 20 meter. The antenna was a linked dipole. The result was 35 QSOs from 12 DXCCs, all on CW.

DXCC: DL, F, HA, HB9, I, OH, OK, OM, ON, S5, SP, YL.