lørdag 29. august 2020

LA/OL-184 Kvitberget

Finally Kvitberget was activated. The weather was still very good, sunshine and 18 C. So was the conds, and 32 stations from 15 DXCCs were worked. Two of them were  S2S.

DXCCs: DL, EA, EI, F, G, GM, HB9, LA, OE, OK, ON, PA, SP, UA, 9A.

LA/OL-181 Feforkampen


Feforkampen was the first summit for the day on August 29.

Partly sunshine and 15 C made the activation to a convenient one. The conds were OK.

12 QSOs from 8 DXCCs  and one S2S were made in 25 minutes.

DXCCs: EA, F, G, HB9, LA, ON, YO, 9A.

fredag 28. august 2020

LA/OL-263 Nårkampen


Nårkampen was the second summit for the day. As usual I parked at Bålsetra and hiked to the summit.

The WX was still great, sunny and 18 C. And the conds were also good. 17 stations were in the log in slightly more than a half hour, and one S2S.

DXCCs: DL. EA, F, G, GM, HB9, OE, OK, ON.

LA/OL-200 Segalstadsæterkampen

On August 29 and 29 I had planned to activate four summits, and LA/OL-200 was the first one. It is probably one of the easiest 4-pointers. It is only 15-20 minutes walk from a suitable parking area.

Beautiful weather, nice scenery, and SOTA: What more can you want?

I operated on 20 meter. 21 QSOs from 14 DXCCs were made, two of them were S2S.

DXCCs: DL, EA, EU, F, G, GM, HB9, I, OE, ON, PA, S5, SM, YO.

lørdag 8. august 2020

LA/RL-102 Rossåsen

During our vacation trip to the Sandes area, it was a time slot for activation of a summit on August 8. The definitely most easy summit to activate is LA/RL-102 Rossåsen; only a few minutes’ drive from Sandnes followed by a short hike.

The weather was OK, cloudy, relative calm, and 19 C.

A few 10’s of meters from the cairn, it is a fence suitable for mounting the antenna pole.

I decided to operate on 30 meter. The conds were fairly OK.  In around 45 minutes, 21 stations from 11 DXCC were logged. One of them was a S2S.

DXCCs: DL, EA, F, G, GW, HB9, I, OE, ON, SM, YO.