lørdag 21. september 2019

LA/OL-184 Kvitberget

Kvitberget was acitivated in the afternoon. 12 stations from 7 DXCCs  were wordked, all on 20 meter; 3 CW, 8 SSB; four S2S.

DXCC: DL, EA, G, HB9, I, W, 9A.

LA/OL-263 Nårkampen

LA/OL-263 Nårkampen was the first summit I visited today. It offers a magnificent view, so it is always fun to visit. The conditions were also fine. Totally, 25 QSOs from 11 DXCCs were logged; 14 CW and 11 SSB; three S2S.

DXCC:  DL, EA, F, G, HB9, I, ON, S5, UA, YO, YU.