fredag 22. desember 2017

LA/OL-044 Brandbukampen

Just before Christmas it was time to an activation of LA/OL-044 Brandbukampen. Beautiful weather, sunshine, and temperature just below 0C. However, the conditions on 20 meter were poor. First, I wasted 15 minutes on SSB (no QSOs), then another 15 minutes on CW (only 2 QSOs). Then I QSYed to 30 meter and worked 21 stations in relatively short time.

DXCCs: DL, EA, F, G, GI, HB9, I, OK, OM, PA, S5, SP, UA.

søndag 29. oktober 2017

LAFF-0065 Nærevann

LAFF-0065 Nærevann is a nature reserve in Ski (30 km south of Oslo), quite close to LAFF-0064, which hasn’t been activated before. It’s easy accessible, so therefore it was a non-QRP activation. I brought with me an IC-706, power around 60-70 watt. It was the same day as the CQWW test on SSB. Thus, this activation was a CW only activation (it was no problem to find a free frequency in the CW-part). I started the activation a little late. Thus, after 49 QSOs, all on 20 meter, it was so dark that I had to go QRT.

DXCCs: DL, EA, F, G, HA, I, OH, OK, OM, ON, S5, UA, UA9, UR, VE, W, YO, YU.

mandag 23. oktober 2017

LAFF-0405 Austråttlunden

I had once again the opportunity to activate LAFF-0405 in the morning on October 23. I was QRV on 20 meter (26 QSOs) and 30 meter (17 QSOs) before I had to go QRT.

DXCCs: DL, E7, EA, F, HA, I, OK, OM, ON, PA, S5, SP, UA, UR, 9A.

lørdag 16. september 2017

LA/OL-263 Nårkampen

I had the opportunity to make a short activation at Nårkampen on September 16. This is also a summit where it is very easy to erect antennas. I used my linked dipole, and chose the same strategy as for Kvitberget yesterday. I got 2 QSOs on 40 meter, 7 on 30 meter, and 3 on 20 meter.

DXCCs: DL, EA, F, G, HB9, I, EO, OK.

fredag 15. september 2017

LA/OL-184 Kvitberget

Kvitberget is located close to Feforkampen. It’s only a short walk from the parking, and it’s easy to erect antennas. Therefore, I used my linked dipole. Because of the poor 20 meter propagation at LA/OL-181, I started the activation on 40 meter. 8 QSOs came in the log. I then QSYed to 30 meter, and got 7 QSOs. Finally, I made some calls on 20 meter, and got 2 QSOs.

DXCCs: DL, EU, F, G, HB9, I, LA, OK, OZ, SP.

LAFF-181 Feforkampen

Feforkampen was activated once more – almost same procedure as the last activations. The only difference was that I chose to operate on 20 meter only. The reason was simply that at this particular summit it is much easier to erect a GP than a (linked) dipole (an end-fed antenna could have been an alternative). This could have been a good idea if the 20 meter had been in good shape. It wasn’t. 45 minutes with CQ did only result in six QSOs. 

DXCCs: DL, F, HB9, UA9.