was activated again this morning in a beautiful autumn weather. Rig and antenna
today was YouKits HB-1B and a linked dipole (BandHopper III).
I decided
to start on 40 meter. Band condition was OK, but the band was very crowded
due to an ongoing contest. Fortunately the HB-1B has a well performing
IF-filter! I first heard OK3EQ/P on the GMA summit OL/US-011 was calling, and got
a QSO with him. This was my first GMA S2S. I then found a clear frequency (as
clear as it can be during a contest…) and start calling. I wondered if my QRP
signals could be copied by someone. At least G3VQO heard me. After some 10 minutes and no takers, I then decided
to QSY to 30 meter, and there 5 more QSOs came in the log.