I visited Trolldalen once again this afternoon. 20 QSOs from 11 DXCCs on 40, 30, and 17 meter came in the log in a relative short time. KX-2 and SuperAntenna MP-1 was used. All CW.
DXCC: DL, EA, I, OH, OM, PA, S5, SP, UA, UT, 9A.
I visited Trolldalen once again this afternoon. 20 QSOs from 11 DXCCs on 40, 30, and 17 meter came in the log in a relative short time. KX-2 and SuperAntenna MP-1 was used. All CW.
DXCC: DL, EA, I, OH, OM, PA, S5, SP, UA, UT, 9A.
Sandvedparken is the first urban park I have activated. I planned to use KX-2 and AX-1. However, I didn’t know if I could trust this little antenna. Thus, I had a plan B (MP-1) and plan C (linked dipole). It was a little slow progress in the QSO-rate, but after 50 minutes I had the 10 needed QSOs in the log, all on 20 meter CW. Even though the AX-1 is a compromise antenna, it’s no doubt that it is quite effective.
DXCC: F, SP, EU, HB9, OE, W.