Yesterday, I activated LA/BU-124 Vardåsen, and all summits on Hurum peninsula are now activated :). I parked at N 59.7054, E 10.4705, slightly less than 2.5 km away from and some 160 meters below the summit. The first part of the walk was on a axcellent forest road. However, when I was 900 meter from the summit, there were no trails to it. It became a rather time consuming apporach. The terrain itself was quite unfriendly, in addition it was also wet and slippery due to the last period with rain. But finally I reached the summit.
The fiberglass pole with a BandHopper III was erected in the cairn, and I was rewarded with 34 QSOs (9 on 20 meter, 14 on 30 meter, and 11 on 40 meter), among them 2 summit-to-summit. As usual, no QSOs were obtained on 2 meter and 70 cm.
DXCCs: CT, DL, EA, G, GW, HB9, I, OE, OH, OK, OM, PA, SM, SP