Knivsfjellet - LA/BU-123 was activated on May 10. I parked at Klokkarstua which is around 2.5 km away and 140 meters below the summit.
This was my first activation with the Band Hopper III (three band linked dipole from SOTAbeams (for 40, 30, and 20 meter)). As rig I planned to use the HB-1B. However, I also brought with me my FT-817 and MP-1 just in case I would like to do some SSB and/or work higher HF bands.
The QTH was excellent (also with respect to HF conds). Very little noise on the bands made this activation very enjoyable. I started on 20 meter CW, and I soon realized that many chasers were in the shack. Twenty QSOs came in the log. I then decided to try 20 meter SSB before making any changes with the linked dipole. This resulted in 20 more QSOs. It was especially fun to work AE4FZ who gave me report 5-4. Finally, I QSYed to 30 meter, and worked more 14 chasers. Before leaving the summit, I made a couple of calls on 2 meter and 70 cm, and this resulted in a chat with LA5ITA. Totally, the activation resulted in 55 QSOs.
Three summit-to-summit QSOs came in the log; HB9BIN/P at HB/TG-004, OE5REO at OE/NO-144, and GM4COX at GM/SS-216. Always fun to work HAMs on other summits.
DXCCs: DL, F, G, GM, HA, HB9, I, LA, OE, OK, OM, PA, S5, SP, W.