I had purchased an MP-1 portable vertical whip-antenna from England some time ago, and this was the first time I tried it on a SOTA activation. It proved to work great, and since it is no vegetation at the summit, it was very convenient to use (opposed to a wire antenna). I first started on 30 meter. However, the conditions were bad, and I only managed three QSOSs, all with poor reports. I then QSYed to 20 meter, and here the conditions were much , much better. I first worked 17 QSOs / 8 DXCCs on CW, and then 8 QSOs / 5 DXCCs on SSB. Among them were two CTs (it was the first time I have worked Portugesian chasers).
As usual, I also made calls on 2 meter FM and 70 cm FM. And as usual, no one replied.
DXCCs: CT, DL, EA, F, G, GM, HB9, OK, OM, ON, PA.
PS. If you plan to activate Åslandsnuten, remember to log the geocache GC14XNQ when you are on the summit.