Brandbukampen was activated in an early afternoon on May 14. The summit is an old volcano, and it offers a magnificant view. During an internet search in order to find a suitable path to the top, I discovered that a geocache is located at the summit. Those who hide this cache, recommended to start the walk at a cabin located at N 60. 27.220, E 010. 29.918, following the border of a nearby field, and then enter the path to the top. This path was not at all easy to follow, especially during the descension. The next time, I will instead start from the west, pass through the hanggliders starting area, and then head towards the summit (as described by Skiforeningen, i.e. The Association for the Promotion of Skiing).
Close to the summit it is an excellent "shack" with some small bushes nearby for supporting the antenna pole.
I started to operate on 30 meter. The conditions were quite bad, and after four QSOs I QSYed to 40 meter and spotted myself on sotawatch. This gave me 12 more QSOs. Finally, I QSYed to 80 meter and had a little QSO with LA1DNA. Before leaving the summit, I made some calls on two meter and 70 cm FM, but no QSO valid for SOTA was acheived (only a little chat with LA1ESA via a 70 cm repeater).
DXCCs: 9A, DL, G, HA, HB9, OE, PA.