Last Saturday I activated Feforkampen, LA/OL-181. It is located not far from Vinstra, the center of Nord-Fron municipality. The last kilometers to the parking place was a toll road (road fee: kr. 30,-; cash only).
I mounted the pole just beneath the cairn at the summit, and the end of my 20 meter longwire antenna to a nearby cairn.
I first worked 19 stations on 30 meter (thanks G4ELZ for spotting), and then QSYed to 20 meter SSB. Fortunately, G3RDQ responded to my call and spotted me, which gave seven more QSOs. Finally, I made a call on 2 meter, and had a little chat with LA7FOA, who was sitting at his balcony in Vinstra and actually saw the summit (no problems with signal strength...).
Also on Saturday, the weather was beautiful; sunshine, calm, and temperature 22C.
DXCCs: 9A, DL, EI, F, G, GW, HA, HB9, LA, OK, ON